Monday, June 29, 2009

Water Damage Can Occur at the Most Inopportune Times

Water damage may occur as a result of fire damage, broken pipes, blocked drains, malfunctioning appliances, storms and other causes. The appropriate treatment depends on the nature of the damage. Some water carries contaminants and should be considered hazardous. Whatever the origin, the prospects for restoration depend largely on the speed with which your building and personal property can be dried. Even clean water can generate mildew and other bacterial growth if neglected.

  • Ventilate wet areas. In summer, turn on air conditioning to accelerate drying. In winter, alternate cycles of opened windows and heating.
  • Remove standing water from flat surfaces by sponging and blotting.
  • Take up saturated rugs and carpets when hardwood floors are at risk.
  • Stay out of rooms where ceilings are sagging from retained water.
  • Remove lamps, telephones and decorative items from wet furniture tops.
  • Open drawers and cabinet doors for interior drying, but do not force open stuck drawers or doors.
  • Freeze valuable books and documents to retard mildew growth until drying can be performed.
  • Place aluminum foil squares, china saucers or wood blocks under furniture legs to avoid staining carpet.


- Operate TV's, vacuums or other appliances while standing on wet carpet or floors, especially not on wet concrete floors. Serious injury may result.
- Use heat to dry closed building interiors. Mildew and expanded moisture changes may result.
- Leave wet fabrics in place. Space them apart and dry as soon as possible.

Hopefully you haven't struggled with this type of hazard. If you have any questions please let me know or visit my website at

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