Thursday, February 25, 2010

PuroClean and Area Roofing Companies Are Scrambling to Help Ice Damming Issues in Ohio

The number to call for your property damage emergency is 440-748-7876. You will not be the first person to use that nor the last. The last three weeks have been somewhat standard and normal in terms of snow fall that is a yearly constant for the area. However, the issues involving Ice Damming at the edge of peoples roofs and gutters have been everything but normal for the past couple of years.

Ice dams are the accumulation of ice at the eaves and valleys of roofs, and in some winters create major problems for property owners in Northeast Ohio. Insufficient attic insulation and/or attic ventilation can cause roof snow to melt and slide down to the eaves, where the roof surface is cooler and the melting snow freezes to the roof. Subsequent melting causes water to pool behind this dam and sometimes the water seeps between the shingle layers, wetting the roof deck and possibly the walls and ceilings below.

The surrounding counties of the Greater Cleveland and Akron metropolitan areas saw record amounts of ice accumulation last winter and it is approaching similar numbers again this winter.
Ice Dams can cause MAJOR property damage, especially when the Damming is so strong that water starts to intrude into the house and affect ceilings, walls, and floors. If you suspect water damage to the inside of your house, you must act immediately and call a professional. Time is of the essence with how fast the ceilings and walls can undergo advanced drying techniques as well as mold prevention remedies. How fast it is treated correlates to how much it will affect your pocket book.

PuroClean has been helping property owners all over NE Ohio deal with water damage mitigation. Our technicians simply dispatch from one service call to the next and the day or night is not over until every call that day has been treated and helped. Thus, we have earned the nickname of "Northeast Ohio's Paramedics of Property Damage".

The picture above shows how they are formed and what they look like.

Contact PuroClean Professional Services immediately if you suspect an Ice Dam has caused water damage to the interior of your property!


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