Monday, January 18, 2010

Ice Damming in Northeast Ohio

Emilio Soli, George Cruz - Managing Partners
Ice dams are the accumulation of ice at the eaves and valleys of roofs, and in some winters create major problems for property owners in Northeast Ohio. Insufficient attic insulation and/or attic ventilation can cause roof snow to melt and slide down to the eaves, where the roof surface is cooler and the melting snow freezes to the roof. Subsequent melting causes water to pool behind this dam and sometimes the water seeps between the shingle layers, wetting the roof deck and possibly the walls and ceilings below. The surrounding counties of the Greater Cleveland and Akron metropolitan areas saw record amounts of ice accumulation last winter and it is expected to be a prevalent issue again this winter.

To prevent ice damming, the attic must be well ventilated. This will allow the roof to maintain a more uniform temperature by quickly removing any warm air that reaches the attic space. In addition, the ceiling must have an adequately sealed air and vapor barrier, and be well insulated to prevent excessive heat loss to the attic. Important techniques to employ include:
- Ensuring correct installation of insulation at eaves.
- Ensuring adequate airflow through attic eaves.
- Ensuring adequate ceiling insulation to keep warm air from rising to attic and through roof.
- Carefully sealing all ceiling penetrations (light fixtures etc.); to keep warm, moist air out of the attic.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 866-944-PURO (7876). We help restore property to its original state after property damage such as this occur.

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